"Lex est tutissima cassis"
Sir Edward Coke
Moxie Training
River School
Seamen's Church Institute
Specialty Programs: Admiralty & Maritime Law
Tulane Maritime Law School Journal
Tulane Maritime Law School Journal#2
Tulane Maritime
Law School Law Library (Howard-Tilton Library)
Marine Cargo Claims, 4 Ed., 2008Tetley, Marine Cargo Claims,
4th edition (to be published in 2008).
Tetley's Admiralty and Maritime Law site
(Admiralty and Maritime Law Treatises)(You can purchase a variety of
excellent books from him too).
Glossary of International Conventions and National Laws
of Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, France and the People's Republic of China on Maritime Law
Glossary of Maritime Law Terms, 2nd Edition -
Glossary of Conflict of Laws
Package and Kilo Limitations of 146
More information is available about Professor William Tetley
(Proctor in Admiralty):
His books far exceed other Admiralty and Maritime Law Treatises and
they are still being published:
Australia, Canada, France, New Zealand, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States
Australia, Canada, European Union, France, New Zealand, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States
Maritime Law Journals, Databases with journal articles
Comité Maritime International (CMI)
Hague Conference on Private International Law
International Maritime Organization (IMO)
Lex Mercatoria : Transport, including carriage of goods
UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law)
UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)
UNIDROIT (International Institute for the Unification of Private Law)
United Nations Treaty Collection
World Legal Information Institute
World Legislation (by continent)
EurLex (European Union Legislation and Jurisprudence)
The Legislative Observatory (European Union Legislation)
Consolidated Statutes and Regulations of Canada
Parliamentary Internet (Canadian Bills)
Transport Canada . Marine Acts and Regulations
Her Majesty's Stationery Office (U.K. Legislation and Regulations)
United Kingdom Parliament (U.K. Public Bills)
Federal Register (U.S. federal regulations)
Public and Private Laws (U.S. federal statutes since 1995)
Legal Information Institute : Admiralty Law page, United States Code (U.S. federal statutes), Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (Cornell Law School)
Commonwealth Consolidated Legislation
Canadian Legal Information Institute
Quicklaw (Password required)
Admiralty Law (LexisOne)
Admiralty and Maritime Law Guide
Legal Information Institute : Admiralty Law page (Cornell Law School)
LexisNexis (password required)
Westlaw (password required)
British and Irish Legal Information Institute
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
Court Service Website (Judgments)
House of Lords (Judicial Work and Judgments)
LexisNexis (password required)
Université de Nantes (Neptunus) (Maritime Jurisprudence)
Australasian Legal Information Institute (includes New Zealand decisions and decisions of various South Pacific jurisdictions)
Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa
AdmiraltyLaw.com (Christopher Giaschi's maritime law page)
AdmiraltyUpdate (Blumling Gusky, LLP, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
Admiralty and Maritime Law Guide
Australian Law Reform Commission: report on Civil and Admiralty Jurisdiction (1986 report on the development and state of Australian Law)
Bay Pilots & Marine Consultants Inc. (Grand Bay-Westfield, New Brunswick, Canada)
Bow Wave (published by The WavyLine, London, England - Sam Ignarski, editor)
CargoLaw.com (Countryman & McDaniel, Los Angeles, California)
Centre de Droit Maritime et des Transports (Université d'Aix-Marseilles III, France)
Centre de Droit Maritime et Océanique (Université de Nantes, France)
Centre National de la Mer (Boulogne-sur-Mer, France
Charles M. Davis Law Office (Bow, Washington)
Current Maritime Developments (Holland Knight, LLP,
New York)
See also Maritime Articles and Maritime
Newsletters (Dennis L. Bryant, Senior Counsel,
Holland Knight, LLP, Washington, D.C.)
DMC's Case Notes on Shipping and Transport law and Insurance law (the website of David Martin Clark, Arbitrator, Mediator and Consultant - Wallington, Surrey, U.K.)
Dalhousie University Marine and Environmental Law Institute (Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)
Dalian Maritime University (Dalian, Peoples Republic of China)
Derecho Marítimo (University of Alicante, Spain)
Direito Marítimo e Direito do Mar (A very comprehensive listing of links relating to maritime law and law of the sea, maintained by Prof. Manuel David Masseno, Professor of Law, Instituto Beja Politécnico, Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Geståo, Beja, Portugal)
Forwarderlaw.com (Peter Jones, General Editor)
Freightworld (information and links for freight transportation and logistics)
George D'Angelo's Admiralty and Maritime Law Page
Institut Maritime du Québec (Rimouski, Québec, Canada)
Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law (University of Swansea, Wales)
Institute of Marine and Environmental Law (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
Institute of Maritime Law (University of Southampton, England)
Institute of Maritime and Transportation Law (University of Stockholm, Sweden)
Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Marítimo (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Instituto Marítimo Español (Madrid)
Instituto Marítimo Internacional de Alicante (University of Alicante, Spain)
International Maritime Law Institute (University of Malta)
Juris International (database of international trade law by International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO, LexUM of Université de Montréal and Juripole of Université de Nancy)
Law of the Sea and Maritime Law (G. Vojkovic, University of Split, Croatia)
Legal Database.com (Admiralty) (U.S. maritime law)
Lex Maritima.net (Prof. Olivier Cachard, Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II))
London Shipping Law Centre (University College London, England)
Marine and Shipping Law Unit (University of Queensland, Australia)
Marine Law Institute (University of Maine School of Law, Portland, Maine, U.S.A.)
The Maritime Advocate (Crawley, UK)* - magazine covering the international maritime law industry
Marko Pavliha's Website (Prof. Dr. Marko Pavliha, Ljubljana, Slovenia - in Slovenian)
MegaLaw.com (Admiralty and Maritime Law)
Multimodal Transport (Hochschule Bremen, Bremen University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
NauticalCampus (The Nautical Institute, London)
Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea (NILOS) (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
New Zealand Maritime Law (Prof. Paul Myburgh, Faculty of Law, University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Ospar Commission (responsible for the Ospar Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North East Atlantic, London)
Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law (University of Oslo, Norway)
Shiplaw (Philip Weiss Law Office - San Diego, California)
Shipping Law Unit (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
Tulane Maritime Law Center (Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.)
UK Coastal Zone Law Web Site (Prof. John Gibson, Institute of Marine and Environmental Law, University of Cape Town, South Africa)
World Maritime University (Malmö, Sweden)
American Arbitration Association (AAA, New York)
Association of Maritime Arbitrators of Canada (AMAC)
Centro Permanente de Arbitraje Marítimo (Caracas, Venezuela)
Chambre Arbitrale Maritime de Paris (CAMP)
ICC International Court of Arbitration (International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Paris)
International Maritime Arbitration Association (IMAO, Paris)
Japan Shipping Exchange (Tokyo)
London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)
London Maritime Arbitrators Association (LMAA)
Society of Maritime Arbitrators (SMA, New York)
Stichting Transport and Maritime Arbitration - Rotterdam - Amsterdam (TAMARA)
Vancouver Maritime Arbitration Association (VMAA)
List of arbitral institutions for further research
Arbitration Articles
Arbitration Newsletter
Dispute Resolution Presentations
(All posted on the website of Hew R. Dundas, Chartered Arbitrator and
Accredited Mediator - London & Edinburgh)
Consensual Arbitration in Quebec (English) - L'arbitrage conventionnel au Québec (French) - (Prof. Frédéric Bachand, Faculty of Law, McGill University)
Asociación Argentina de Derecho Marítimo (Argentina)
Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand
Belgische Vereniging voor Zeerecht/Association Belge de Droit Maritime (Belgium)
Associação Brasileira de Direito Marítimo (Brazil)
Bulgarian Maritime Law Association
Canadian Bar Association - National Maritime Law Section
Canadian Maritime Law Association/Association canadienne de droit maritime
Asociación Chilena de Derecho Marítimo (Chile)
China Maritime Law Association
Asociación Colombiana de Derecho y Estudios Marítimo ("ACOLDEMAR") (Colombia)
Asociación Instituto de Derecho Marítimo de Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
Hrvatsko Drustvo Za Pomorsko Pravo (Croatia)
Dansk Soretforening (Denmark)
Asociación Dominicana de Derecho Marítimo (AADM) (Dominican Republic)
Asociación Ecuatoriana de Derecho y Estudios Marítimo ("ASEDMAR") (Ecuador)
Suomen Merioikeusyhdistys/Finlands Sjörättsförening (Finland)
Association Française du Droit Maritime (France)
Deutscher Verein für Internationales Seerecht (Germany)
Greek Maritime Law Association
Comité Guatemalteco de Derecho Marítimo y Portuario (Guatemala)
The Hong Kong Maritime Law Association
Lembage Bina Hukum Laut Indoesia (Indonesian Institute of Maritime Law and Law of the Sea)
International Bar Association (IBA) . Maritime and Transport Law Committee
Irish Maritime Law Association
Ha-Aguda Ha Israelit Le Misphat Yami (Israel)
Associazione italiana di diritto marittimo (Italy)
Japanese Maritime Law Association
Korea Maritime Law Association
Choson Maritime Law Association (D.P.R. of Korea)
Latvian Maritime Law Association
Malaysian Maritime Law Association
Malta Maritime Law Association
Association mauritanienne du droit maritime (Mauritania)
Asociación Mexicana de Derecho Marítimo (Mexico)
Association marocaine de droit maritime (Morocco)
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Zee- en Vervoersrecht (Netherlands Maritime and Transport Law Association)
Comite for Maritime Law, Netherlands Antilles
Nigerian Maritime Law Association
Den Norske Sjørettsforening (Norway)
Pakistan Maritime Law Association
Asociación Panameña de Derecho Marítimo (Panama)
Asociación Peruana de Derecho Marítimo (Peru)
Maritime Law Association of the Philippines
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Prawa Morskiego (Poland)
Ministerio Da Defesa Nacional.Marinha Comissão de Direito Marítimo Internacional (Portugal)
Association of International Maritime Law of the Commonwealth of Independent States (C.I.S.) (Russian Federation)
Association sénégalaise de droit maritime (Sénégal)
Maritime Law Association of Singapore
Drustvo za Pomorsko Pravo Slovenije (Slovenia)
Maritime Law Association of South Africa
Asociación Española de Derecho Marítimo (Spain)
Svenska Sjörättsförening (Sweden)
Association suisse de droit maritime/Schweizerische Vereinigung für Seerecht (Switzerland)
Deniz Hukuku Dernegi (Turkey)
British Maritime Law Association (United Kingdom)
Maritime Law Association (United States)
Asociación Uruguaya de Derecho Marítimo (Uruguay)
Asociación Venezolana de Derecho Marítimo (Venezuela)
Alexander Holburn Beaudin & Lang LLP (Vancouver)
Bernard & Partners (Vancouver)
Brisset Bishop (Montreal)
Borden Ladner Gervais (Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver)
Bull Housser Tupper (Vancouver)
Clark Drummie (St. John, N.B.)
De Man Pilotte (Montreal)
Étude légale Guy Vaillancourt (Quebec City)
Fasken Martineau Dumoulin (Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, New York, London, England)
Fernandes Hearn (Toronto)
Giaschi Margolis (Vancouver)
Gilbert, McGloan, Gillis (St. John, N.B.)
Langlois Kronström Desjardins (Langlois Gaudreau O'Connor) (Quebec City and Montreal)
Marler & Associates (Montreal)
Metcalf & Co. (Halifax)
McInnes Cooper (Halifax)
McMillan Binch Mendelsohn (Toronto, Montreal)
Ogilvy Renault (Montreal, Quebec City, Toronto, Vancouver, London, England)
Oland & Co. (Vancouver)
Owen Bird (Vancouver)
Paterson MacDougall (Toronto)
Robinson Sheppard Shapiro (Montreal)
Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales (Charlottetown, Fredericton, St. John, N.B., Moncton, Halifax, St. John's, Newfoundland)
Stikeman Elliott (Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, New York, London, England, Hong Kong, Sydney)
Strathy & Associates (Toronto)
White Ottenheimer & Baker (St. John's, Newfoundland)
Brauner Baron Rosenzweig & Klein
Curtis Mallet-Prevost Colt & Mosle
Donovan Parry McDermott & Radzik
Dougherty Ryan Giuffra Zambito & Hession
ANK (Odessa)
Tetley's law articles, many of which are available online here
American Maritime Cases (Baltimore) *
European Transport Law (Antwerp)
Il Diritto Marittimo (Genova, Italy)
The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law (issues available online at Ingentaconnect)
International Journal of Shipping Law
The Journal of International Maritime Law
The Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce (New York)*
Lloyd's Law Reports (London)
Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly (London)
Loyola Maritime Law Journal (Loyola University, New Orleans)
Ocean and Coastal Law Journal (University of Maine School of Law, Portland)
Ocean Development & International Law (Philadelphia)
Revue juridique Neptunus (Maritime and Oceanic Law Center, University of Nantes) - free, online law review, with some articles in English*
Transportation Law Journal (Sturm College of Law, University of Denver)
Tulane Maritime Law Journal (Tulane Law School, New Orleans)*
University of San Francisco Maritime Law Journal (University of San Francisco)
* Some articles are available for free
HeinOnline (password required)
LexisNexis (password required)
Westlaw E-Carswell (password required)
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