Floyd's Fork of the Salt River, Kentucky

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Glossary of Maritime Law Terms, 2nd Ed., 2004 By William Tetley, Q.C.

Floyd's Fork of Salt River, Federal government pages

Floyd's Fork of Salt River, Commonwealth of KY government pages

Kentucky Geography Network, or KYGEONET
(Interactive Maps)

Kentucky Geographic Information Systems

Floyd's Fork of Salt River, various counties in Kentucky

John Filson's Map of Kentucke in 1784.
This was eight years before Kentucky was admitted to the union as the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Kentucky Yesterday: Kentucky Stations prior to and after statehood
You can find many historic sites that will help you whether you are traveling on land or water. In eithe situation; the future cities of Kentucky formed from the safety of these forts and you should always look for them when you travel to these cities.

Kentucky: Southwest Territory 1794

Floyd's Fork Surveys: John Lewis land of 22,000 acres.

Jefferson and Shelby County border surveys

Most major rivers of Kentucky:
Many rivers and streams of Kentucky are missing from this map and it should not be used for navigational purposes. Floyd's Fork of Salt River is missing as are Nolin and Mud Rivers of the Green River.

Invasion 1782

Floyd's Fork of Salt River, Jefferson County, Kentucky government pages

Blackacre State Natural Preserve

Blackacre State Natural Preserve

Floyd's Fork on Jefferson County Public Schools webpages

LOJIC (LOuisville Jefferson county Information Consortium Maps of Jefferson County and other areas too.

Metro-Louisville "Metro-Parks"

Metro-Parks Project Updates

Floyds Fork is the largest and least-polluted watershed in Louisville. This formerly rural 122-square-mile watershed is undergoing rapid residential and commercial development. To ensure that people living or working in this area will have access to first-class parks, David A. Jones Sr. and Dan Jones founded 21st Century Parks, a non-profit organization working to acquire and develop a system of interconnected parks and trails along a 27-mile stretch of Floyds Fork, from Shelbyville Road to Bardstown Road. In addition to trails for hikers, mountain bikers, and horseback riders, a "water trail" will allow park users in canoes or kayaks to explore Floyds Fork.

To date, 21st Century Parks has assembled, with its partners at Metro Parks and Future Fund, nearly 3,000 acres of land. A master planning process, led by Wallace Roberts & Todd, is underway to determine what these parks and green spaces will ultimately contain.

Funding & Support

The total cost of the project won't be known until all land has been acquired and a master plan has been developed for parks along Floyds Fork. To date, approximately $60 million has been committed to the project, and Mayor Jerry Abramson has committed significant staffing and project support through the Mayor's Office and Metro Parks. Additionally, the Trust for Public Land has provided valuable support on negotiating property acquisitions.

Public Funds

* $38 million in federal funds earmarked by Sen. Mitch McConnell in August 2005 * $700,000 in state funds

Private Funds

* More than $20 million from generous donors.

http://www.kwalliance.org/ They have numerous resources for many streams, but also a nice library of items for Floyd's Fork.

Floyd's Fork Library

Trusts for Public Lands

Kentucky Land Office

Kentucky Land Office Library (including maps)

Kentucky Resources Counsel

Floyds Fork Watershed

The Floyds Fork Watershed is the largest watershed in the county and is approximately 122 square miles. There are five sampling sites in the watershed. These sites are located on Floyds Fork, Pope Lick, Chenoweth Run and Long Run. It is the least impacted of the watersheds and remains the least impacted of all those in Jefferson County. At this time the only stream segments on the State (303d) list for aquatic life or recreational contact impairment are Long Run and Chenoweth Run. The Kentucky Division of Water (DOW) classifies streams based upon their potential use, whether they may be used for recreational purposes, whether they support aquatic life, etc. The 303d list identifies streams within Kentucky that do not meet their designated use or partially fail to meet their designated use. Vigorous development in the northern half of the watershed requires long range planning for wastewater and storm water treatment. Without this planning, the impacts from the development will adversely affect the streams.

The Floyds Fork watershed contains the largest, most diverse mussel population of any stream within Jefferson County. Mussel populations have declined seriously in most urban areas within the United States. Mussels are extremely important and pollution-intolerant organisms. They are good indicators of healthy stream systems. Mussel populations within Floyds Fork streams are considered threatened.

Fecal coliforms exceed recreational standards about one-third of the time. The elevation of fecal coliform is likely due to septic tanks, several package wastewater treatment plants, and animal waste from farms. Nutrient enrichment is also a problem in the watershed. Much of the nutrient load to the streams comes from chemically treated lawns and golf courses, agriculture, septic tanks and small wastewater treatment plants. The stream is also being impacted by heavy silt loads from construction sites and agriculture. These impacts threaten the habitat quality within the stream and the diversity of life it now supports. Biological diversity and habitat quality are generally good in the Floyds Fork watershed, but they are declining.

Floyds Fork is an area that will benefit from increased conservation practices and thoughtful preservation of its unique natural environment. MSD is currently constructing the Floyds Fork Wastewater Treatment Plant just north of Interstate 64. This large treatment plant will eliminate the less efficient small package plants and septic tanks from the most populated areas of the watershed.

To learn more about the Floyds Fork watershed, visit http://www.floydsfork.org, a website with information on the area.

MSD is participating in a Project XL Pilot Project in the Chenoweth Run area for Pretreatment Reinvention.

MSD Pre-treatment project on Chenoweth Run Creek Project XL: Pretreatment Reinvention is: Jeffersontown and MSD Excel Nationally on Chenoweth Run Initiative The City of Jeffersontown (Jeffersontown) and the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) have partnered with local industries, environmental organizations, and enthusiastic residents on several projects to improve the quality of Chenoweth Run.

Over the years, MSD's Pretreatment Program has been considered very successful in fulfilling the requirements of the National Pretreatment Regulations, mostly because the Significant Non-Compliance (SNC) rate has been greatly reduced. The current SNC rate is less than 10% - which is down from 44% in the early 1990's, but EPA has begun to question the relevance of this "programmatic" measure to judge the effectiveness of the National Pretreatment Program. In examining the National Pretreatment Program, it can be seen that the program is primarily focused on procedural aspects of regulating indirect dischargers rather than on evaluating whether the environment (water quality) is being positively or negatively impacted. This focus is largely due to the lack of a direct link to environmental endpoints. A recent report to Congress stated:

"The lack of comprehensive environmental data makes it difficult to evaluate the program's effectiveness in achieving the goals of the Clean Water Act."

Grant & Project XL Initiation As a result of the concerns with the programmatic approach, in September of 1998, the Federal EPA awarded a 104(b)(3) Grant to MSD for the Development of Pretreatment Performance Measures. The objective of this project was to develop, implement, and assess specific Performance Measures designed to measure the environmental impact of the Pretreatment Program in the Jeffersontown sewershed.

In order to apply the lessons learned from the Grant project, MSD applied for a Pilot Project through the XL (eXcellence in Leadership) program. EPA authorized the pilot study on 28 September 2000. MSD's Board approved modifications to MSD's Waste Discharge Regulations to include Project XL. Kentucky Division of Water incorporated Project XL into MSD's KPDES permit, which became effective on 1 June 2002.

With information gained from the Performance Measures project, and with the regulatory flexibility provided by the XL Pilot Project, resources can ultimately be shifted to address the greatest environmental concerns in the watershed. MSD's strategy is to use better information and reallocate resources with this XL program to create environmental benefits according to a specific prioritization strategy. It is expected that the lessons learned from this effort will be transferable to other sewersheds/watersheds in Jefferson County and to other municipalities.


For more information on this project or if you would like information about upcoming meetings, please contact Sharon Worley at worley@msdlouky.org or 502-540-6744. MSD Contact List

Floyd's Fork of Salt River, Henry County government pages

Floyd's Fork of Salt River, Oldham County government pages

Floyd's Fork of Salt River, Shelby County government pages

Floyd's Fork of Salt River, Bullitt County government pages

Floyd's Fork of Salt River, Kentucky related pages

John Milner & Associates
Architects, Archaeologists, planners in Louisville, KY. This firm is working on the Floyd's Fork corridor.


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